Wednesday, December 9, 2009

HK's Foreign currency reserve is 7th Highest in the world

The HK Monetary Authority has an USD$256B as the foreign currency reserve , which is world's 7th Largest.

But side by side of this wonder data, there are over 900,000 people whose income is less than HKD $4,000 a month in Hong Kong! That is about USD$490.00! Is that an ironic contradiction?!

As what we had mentioned before, we have to find ways to lower the Gini Index of HK, thus to create harmony for the people of the whole HK ;- creating more jobs, fix the minimum wages to say HKD40.00 an hour, tax exemption, educational aids, subsidization on food and transportation, more like Tax exemption for companies who offer more jobs for the lower income people...etc

There must have a lot of ways to keep the Gini Index lower a bit. In order to build a better society, we have to contribute more.

Mr. Tsang, please help the people in poverty!


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