When I was young , I used to eat Wanton noodle at 30 cent a bowl, at that time the wanton was wrapped with shrimp, mushroom slices, pork... the soup was prepare by burning the Chai Yu (charcoal fish) using a hand held gas torch. Then boil it in the water with pork rib and bone for one day. The noodle was freshly made from flour and eggs, the soup was served with a few drop of sesame oil, a few pieces of Sweet green Union, and drops of larks... So the noodle was smooth, a bit crunchy, having the right temperature and elasticity... very Tasty!
I can remember that at that time A bottle of Pepsi Cola was 20 cents
I used to have a hair cut at 40 cents
Two pieces of Cocktail bun was 15 cents
It took 10 cents from Shau kei Wan to Sheung Wan by Tram.
In The Dai Sai Kai (big World) Cinema, It took 40 cents to watch a movie at the front stall.
My favourite movie was the " Yu Roi Son Cheung"
Now, a resonably good Wanton noodle is HKD16.00 (increased by 53 times)
A bottle of Coco Cola is HKD8.00 (increased by 53 times) Pepsi is not as popular nowadays due to the ads of Coca Cola is much arrgressive that Pepsi, the taste is less important for the sales.
A Movie is HKD55.00 at UA. (increased by 137 times)
CockTail bun is selling from cheapest HKD2.00 to 4.50 a piece (increased by 60 times)
You can see that the rate of increment is highest with Movie and the other is rough 50 times more.
Attached is the money that we have been using....
There is 1958's HKD500.00 bank note. which was called "Big Blanket" means that one piece can cover the whole family for one month... as in 1950, an average clerk was earning HKD100.00. 500 dollar is roughly 5 months' salary!
In 50', there was 500, 100, 10, 5 and 1 dollar bank notes.
At that time a Lai Shi (Red packet in Chinese New year) was usually twenty cents for average root class people. One dollar Lai Shi was consider good fortune in the 1960!
Hi Fever,
我不曾吃過$0.3一碗雲吞麵. 可很懷念小時候木屋村裡的士多,孖條可以一開二賣$0.1.告訴小販姨姨我不夠錢,又可以用$0.1買半碗碗仔翅吃. 到了中學時期(1981-85), 每天到屋邨樓下買$1.5一包維他檸檬茶和$1.5買腸粉/炒麵+燒賣(現在$6有四條腸粉),就是我的早點.
您有沒有吃過放在冰箱結了冰的,紅彤彤的酸木瓜和毫不浪費的菠蘿芯? 通通都是一兩毫子便有交易的零食啊!(好懷念唷!!)
Hi Caca,
Yes, sweet and sour papaya 20 cents one stick. 1968
30 cents curry optopus in Kowloon City Block 22 Tung Tau Village in 1970's
Fly up Graves 50 cents up to 8 stories high. 1973
70 cents for a packet of "Million" of "Lucky Strike" cigrette. 1967-1971.
10 cents for 1 stick of "555" 1970
30 cents for a peice of beef for mother. 1972
60 cents for a catty of Rice. 1973
60 cents for a bowl of "Yeung Chun" Noodle at Yue Man Fong in 1971.
20 Cents for bus No. "13" from Jordan Road to Choi Hung. And then I walked from Choi Hung to home at Ngau Tau Kok upper Estate.
You are so tender and having good memory on the number and figure!
Hi Caca,
Yes, sweet and sour papaya 20 cents one stick. 1968
30 cents curry optopus in Kowloon City Block 22 Tung Tau Village in 1970's
Fly up Graves 50 cents up to 8 stories high. 1973
70 cents for a packet of "Million" of "Lucky Strike" cigrette. 1967-1971.
10 cents for 1 stick of "555" 1970
30 cents for a peice of beef for mother. 1972
60 cents for a catty of Rice. 1973
60 cents for a bowl of "Yeung Chun" Noodle at Yue Man Fong in 1971.
20 Cents for bus No. "13" from Jordan Road to Choi Hung. And then I walked from Choi Hung to home at Ngau Tau Kok upper Estate.
You are so tender and having good memory on the number and figure!
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