Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jumbo Floating Restaurant

Jumbo Floating Restaurant has been servicing us for 30 years; it is situated at the tip of Aberdeen, southern part of Hong Kong Island.

The floating restaurant was in fact a ship with heavily decorated with Nine Chinese Gold Dragons at the front entrance, a lot of Chinese empire, palace, fairy made up of thousands colourful tiles as the interior design, A lot of Chinese chandelier. Beautifully Chinese dressed stewardess would lead you to the 3rd Floor for Chinese and 2nd Floor for Western cuisine. Free Shuttle boat to carry you from the pier to the Jumbo Floating Restaurant.

The food is classified normal and seems that the chef has not much favourite dish to serve the exacting guess, snobs and food critics.

However, if you are first time to Hong Kong it is one of the tourist spot for you...The best is after a day tour to Ocean park and then take a taxi to Aberdeen for A relaxing Dinner at jumbo.

HK Snob


Anonymous said...

Hi Fever,

還記得珍寶海鮮舫初開業時(1976), 爸媽帶我去飲茶, 一個大蒸籠給端來桌上, 上面有幾款精美點心,售價十元, 但恐怕是最低消費了. 小小年紀的我來說,印象最深就是這個大蒸籠, 其他酒樓不曾見過的!
去年跟一個家住鴨脷洲的朋友提及這裡, 她竟然告知曾經在這兒有靈異經歷, 所以不喜歡這兒. 翻查資料, 原來於1971年10月30日曾發生火災, 34死10傷的慘劇. 我的c9 friend 唔好彩接收到那些壞磁場吧!

HK Snob said...

Hi Caca, I went to jumbo only after I had gone out for work, as I used to stay in Kowloon City, I was a "Shing Zhai" naughty boy.
How come to have money for Jumbo...
I saw the news on the fire but not exactly the date that I know. And I have not heard about the Haunted Things there at Jumbo!

HK Snob