Man carries a handkerchief to work- 0.001%
The youth that offer his seat to old woman in MTR- less than 0.01%
To take a casual Sick leave on Monday especially the last Monday in the month as not to waste the "quota"- common but I do not have data.
Rush to clock in in the morning and immediately slow down the pace to work afterwards-90%
Hold the "Door Open" button for you to leave the lift , wait for a fraction of second before push the "Door Close" button- 0.001%
Properly following the traffic light when crossing the road- 0.1%
To tell what nationality of Chopin, Beethoven and Bizet- 0.0001%
High School student to tell you the Capital city of USA is New york-50%
High school student to Tell you The Capital City of Canada is Vancouver -50%
Colleage student to tell you the longitude and lattitude of Hong Kong - less than 5%
Youth to have her hair changed colour -70%
Youth to have his hair changed colour-20%
Man of age 20-25 to name Three Korean car -<10%
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