Have you ever heard of digital noise which some one has classified as their ring tone?
Well, Some body's music, some body's noise. I really do not understand why there is such kind of Hi technology audio amplifier built in the hand phone of yours, there isn't good pleasant music is able to be reproduced by the hand phone? I can hear is digital noise only!
I do not know if that is because of limitation of the size of the loud speaker, the owner of the hand phone had been set for a maximum volume of the ring tone or our technology is still far behind to reproduce the sweet apprealing anlogue music! I guess that is the technology limit as of today! As there is some kind of compromization between technology and commercial market!
Anyway, the user is addicted to the love of their favourite singers song to be their ring tone with millions of down load of such song from the hand phone providers and web site a month.
And, I am sure before the next generation Anlogue Like music reproduction can be made on the hand phone. before that technology comes, we have to continue suffering from these noise keep going on in the train, bus, restaurant, Elevator, rest room, court, hotel and office...!
Well, My favourite ring tone is Bert Kaempfert's Strangers in the night, Blue Moon and Afrikaan Beat.
Edmundo Ros's Spanish Gypsy Dance and Isle Of capri.
Herb Albert's Spainsh Flea.
Van Macoy's African Symphony...
They works fine on my N95! Not too much digital as I use the hand phone to record the music produced directly by my Analogues system with Vinyls as the signal source!
Digital Audio is not better than Analogue in term of the end result and Sound quality.
Digital signal is a means of tranformation of signal or data into a simplified format for easier and faster transmission! That is good for computer and image processing. as they have high immunity to noise!
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