Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Have a Good sleep!

人的睡眠是最完整、最系統、最有效的休息方法,也是科學養生的重要内容。但如果忽略了睡眠中的一些細小事情, 會對健康不利。

1 戴「表」睡覺。 有的人喜歡戴著手表睡覺,這不僅會縮短手表的使用壽命,更不利於健康。 因爲手表 特別是夜光表有鐳輻射,量雖極微, 但專家認爲,長時間的積累可導致不良后果。

2 戴「牙」睡覺。 一些人習慣戴著假牙睡覺,往往睡夢中不慎將假牙吞入食道,假牙的鐵鈎可能會刺破食道旁的主動脈弓,引起大出血甚至危及生命。因此,戴假牙的人臨睡前最好取下假牙清洗干淨,既有利於口腔衛生,又可安全入眠.

3 戴「罩」睡覺。美國夏威夷文明病研究所通過調查5000多位女性發現,每天戴乳罩超過12個小時的女人,罹患乳腺癌的可能性比短時間戴或根本不戴的人高出20倍以上。女人戴乳罩是爲了展示美或保護乳房,而晚上睡覺就沒有這個必要了.

4 帶「機」睡覺。有的人爲了通話方便,晚上睡覺時將手機放在頭邊。美國專家詹姆斯.庫克指出,各種電子設備,如彩電、冰箱、手機等在使用和作過程中,都有大量不同波長和頻率的電磁波釋放出來,形成一種電子霧,影響人的神經系統和生理功能的紊亂,雖然釋放量極微,但不可不防。

5 帶「妝」睡覺。有些女性尤其是青年女性,她們往往在睡覺前懶得卸妝。須知,帶著殘妝豔容睡覺,會堵塞你的肌膚毛孔, 造成汗液分泌障礙,妨礙細胞呼吸,長時間下去還會誘發粉刺,損傷容顔。 所以,睡前卸妝洗臉很有必要,可以及時清除殘妝對顔面的刺激,讓肌膚得到充分呼吸,僅可保持皮膚的潤澤,還有助於早入夢鄉。

6 帶「別人的老婆」睡覺。可能沒睡醒就被別人打死!

True that item no.6 can get you killed easily, please don't do it....

This was Sent from a Good freind in Singapore....Henny!

Mexican Maid asks for a raise

Our Mexican maid asked for a pay increase.

My wife was very upset about this and decided to talk to her about the raise.

She asked: 'Now Maria, why do you want a pay increase?

Maria: 'Well, Señora, there are three reasons why I want an increase.

The first is that I iron better than you.'

Wife: 'Who said you iron better than I?'

Maria: 'Your husband said so.'

Wife: 'Oh.'

Maria: 'The second reason is that I am a better cook than you.'

Wife: 'Nonsense, who said you were a better cook than I?'

Maria: 'Your husband did.'

Wife: 'Oh.'

Maria: 'My third reason is that I am a better lover than you.'

Wife: (really furious now): 'Did my husband say that as well?'

Maria: 'No Señora...the gardener did.'

Wife: 'So how much do you want?'

Monday, June 8, 2009

This is the favourite Bak Kui Teh at Penang for me... The soup is not that Strong, the Pork is having good portion of fat to the meat. The Pork Meat balls is tasteful, price is Absolutely tempting, Two Bak Kui Teh, two plum drink and a plate of season vegetable is RM30.00!
It is situated at the right corner of Grand Paradise Hotel, opposite Red Rock hotel at Old Town.

Cha Yu Kafei in Penang

Though the weather is pretty hot but we would find a coolness and comfort, transquility in this small Restaurant in Old Town of Penang. It is near by Hotel Grand Paradise. Another heritage house of the 20's.

The Phone Number is 04-2291028, or H/P012-4173174

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Maid Asked for a Raise

Our Philipines maid asked for a pay increase.

My wife was very upset about this and decided to talk to her about the raise.

She asked: 'Now Maria, why do you want a pay increase?

Maria: 'Well, Señora, there are three reasons why I want an increase.

The first is that I iron better than you.'

Wife: 'Who said you iron better than I?'

Maria: 'Your husband said so.'

Wife: 'Oh.'

Maria: 'The second reason is that I am a better chef than you.'

Wife: 'Nonsense, who said you were a better chef than I?'

Maria: 'Your husband did.'

Wife: 'Oh.'

Maria: 'My third reason is that I am a better lover than you.'

Wife: (really furious now): 'Did my husband say that as well?'

Maria: 'No Señora...the gardener did.'

Wife: 'So how much do you want?'