The Hong Kong new generation is Hopeless!
What is your expected percentage to see youth reading in MTR? - <1%
What is your Expected percentage to see the youth playing PSP in MTR- >15%
What is your Expected age group for the passsengers in MTR playing PSP? - 10-45 Years Old~
What do you think? -
They want to practise their fingers as to train their finger to be more powerful and Sensitive to motion? - probably yes!
Do yo think that it can help them to get a better academic result or better career in the future-
They are not as hard working as Shanghai, Shenzhen, TienJing, Tibet or Beijing kid!
They are not as good at managing Mandarin than any Chinese in China- No question about it?
Are they able to read and speak better English as comparing with the Chinese of the similar education background?
So After another 10 years, who will be more superior of having more survival kits between a Local Chinese and Hong Kong University Graduates...
You should have the answer!
So, I ask myself what is wrong with these new kids?
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