Friday, September 20, 2024

Cartier Satos is back


昨晚8:00 時光寳盒YouTube live Abel 問開那-些卡地亞表我們喜歡的?我不言而喻Tank Santos 喇!

70年代末,三大主打瑞士表王,Patek推出NautilusAPRoyal Oak賣翻天、VC222復刻差唔多60 兩銀。Piaget今年復刻的原版Polo也近七十兩銀,奢華運動錶當道。卡地亞今年拍得滿堂紅,黃金Crash (我理解佢係Crashcash crash my cash )拍壹百七十銀,近排亦見卡地亞Santos 價格開始上升,升覆吾少喎!六年前我有-隻全金Santos (原版華爾街電影中Gordon Gekko 手上那只). 賣了比個BOA 的泰國banker 朋友六兩銀!今日這個表不便宜了!前日去廣華街Target 取老友代購的5167 途中經過P&F 問江仔窗櫥窗隻Santos 全金表有小月相的多少錢,:十三兩八!再問原來只係石英的!嘩😳Santos 升了不少。

兄弟, 我們知道勞力士掉了三成了,卡地亞可以講係逆市而上,果然唔簡單喎!究其原因,而家啲人潮流興簡約細小啲半中古董,另外,錶友比勞力士雞鵝盈燒玩咗咁多年。 從前嘅Lover -部份而家變咗做Hater 啦,易時也不時說永遠不再買新勞力士,唔知佢會唔會唔會姣婆守唔到寡;遲啲自己靜🐔🐔地去買隻新Rolex 呢?😆, 我唔係吾鍾意勞力士,只不過係希望搵到啲啱價錢 如King Midas 青金石!特別的掃把頭棺材仔之類!再講…. Santos的特色在於錶殼和錶帶設計版版正正,用多平面切角呈現光影變化,不規則的的金鏍絲釘擺位,可以想尤如愛彼Royal Oak那樣以平面帶出各角度的強烈光線反射。此錶當年也成為潮人,金融業和一些富二代playboy的致愛。

HK Snob

Wednesday, August 28, 2024







































































HK Snob

Monday, July 15, 2024

Cassette deck and Red Wine

The statistic shows annual music cassette album sales in the United States from 2015 to 2018. In 2018, 219 thousand music cassettes were sold in the United States, marking a significant growth in sales despite cassettes being a niche item. Sales have been on the increase since 2015 and have almost tripled in the last three years. 

This could be in part due to the collectable nature of the cassette, something you just can't get with streaming. Tapes are also often a lot cheaper than other collectibles such as CDs and vinyl, which makes them a cost-effective choice for music lovers of all ages. 

Despite the far superior audio quality that today's streaming apps and smartphones offer, cassette tapes and players are making a comeback, perhaps not because of their audio quality, but for other reasons. Those of you who have used cassette players during the 70s, 80s, and 90s, will remember that the sound is quite distinctive. 

New cassette player makers Fiio and Sony, you can see a few models under different brands displayed at Lane Crawford, IFC. They are made for fashion and fun, but are not seriously good in sound reproduction. 

If you are an electronics engineer, then you probably know that the complexity to design and fabricate a good cassette deck is 10X more complex than making an integrated amplifier. As a cassette deck has an amplification amplifier, recording amplifier, Dolby recording and playback circuit, bias setup, either manual or automatic, to preset the optimum biasing current for the magnetic head. Plus, the more important mechanical driving system. If you have owned a Nakamichi Dragon, you will see how many pieces of electronics complement, and the complexity of Azimuth, bias, and other features. 

How is the sound of a good cassette deck?

It is free from those annoying tick-tak noise of a vinyl, it is more fluidity, it is more mellow, it is more musical. 2.5D dimension as compare wit CD’s 2D dimension. The cassette deck could be better than the vinyl especially you don’t know how to properly sets up your turntable. 

Amongst those 20 cassette decks I have these are some of my favourite 

Nakamichi 1000 ZXL – king of the cassette, 40 pounds huge size like a MacDonald microwave oven, it is like the Chateau Lafife 1982 well balance, mellow and complicated, never fair your, keep tastier in time, it is more of a full 2.5D dimensional music especially on good source of original recording.

Nakamich Dragon – about 22 pounds in weight, very compact the prince of all cassette deck, it is a manual bias set up gear 4 motors

Sound is more or less like Chateau Mouton 1959, it is dynamic, bass is adequate and not muddle. Treble is well balance, beautifully balance, Strong in character, fully function because of auto reverse function, more function than the flag ship 1000 ZXL 

Teac Z6000 is a massive machine, weight 36 pounds, manual bias set up comparable to Z7000 which is auto biasing. Both are rare and expensive to find one with good condition. It is the Chateau Margaux 1982 – nice favour, complete smell of rose, mud, lead and charcoal and it is perpetually coming into your taste bud in the whole course of drinking. The sound of the Z6000 is powerful, you don’t feel sound is coming form the loudspeaker as it is full of your room. I am using ATD with just 5inches of woofer unit… But I feel the bass is rocking my sofa!

Love to play with Z6000 

Revox H1, someone may criticize that B710 MK II is best from Revox, I have both , but I found that H1 has given me a super comfort in using it purely for listening, it has all automatic level control and bias. Wide range of frequency response typically wide range music, clear and well defined musical note of the German style, It is the Haut Brion. One of the strong characteristic kind of wine, with above average good colour, long lasting favour and pleasant taste…

How about Tanberg 3014 well, I can not have one yet, many people say that it is the best but I have to listen to believe it.

What is the best wine? DLC ? Yes  but I have not tried due to high price. That is the same as the limited 100 pieces of Gold limited Nakamichi 1000ZXL. Price is same as the  Domaine de La Romanee-Conti 1988 US$20,999, that is the dream gear for me… It was told same as 1000ZXL, with special selected component including the magnetic heads!

HK Snob


卡帶機, 葡萄酒




新的卡帶播放機製造商如Fiio和索尼,你可以在Lane CrawfordIFC看到他們推出的幾款不同品牌的型號。它們是為時尚和娛樂而設計的,但在聲音再現方面並不太出色。 

如果你是一名電子工程師,那麼你可能知道設計和製造一台優質卡帶機的複雜程度是製造一個綜合放大器的10倍。因為卡帶機需要有放大放大器、錄音放大器、杜比錄音和播放電路、手動或自動偏磁設置以調節磁頭的最佳偏磁電流,還有最重要的機械驅動系統。如果你曾擁有過Nakamichi Dragon,你就會看到需要多少個電子元件來實現,以及偏磁、偏移和其他功能的複雜性。



Nakamichi 1000 ZXL 卡帶機之王,重達40,體積龐大如麥當勞微波爐,就像1982年的Chateau Lafife酒莊,口感平衡、柔和而複雜,永不衰退,時間越久越醇厚。它可以在優質的原始錄音源上呈現出更加立體豐滿的2.5D音樂效果。 

Nakamich Dragon 重約22,體積緊湊,是所有卡帶機中的王子。它採用手動偏置設定,搭載4個電機。音質可以媲美1959年的Chateau Mouton酒莊,動態表現出色,低音飽滿而不渾濁。高音音域平衡優美,風格強烈,得益於自動反向功能,比旗艦1000 ZXL更加功能全面。 

Teac Z6000是一台巨型機器,36,採用手動偏置設定,類似自動偏置的Z7000。這兩款都稀有難覓,狀態良好的更是難能可貴。它可以媲美1982年的Chateau Margaux酒莊 - 味道優雅,飄散著玫瑰、泥土、鉛和木炭的香氣,在整個飲用過程中,這些香氣不斷在味蕾上跳躍。Z6000的音質強勁有力,不像從揚聲器傳出,而是彌漫在整個房間。我只用了5英寸的低音單元,但我感覺低音足以搖動沙發!我非常喜歡玩弄Z6000 

Revox H1,也許會有人批評B710 MK II才是Revox最佳之選,但我擁有這兩款,發現H1在純粹聆聽方面,給了我非常舒適的體驗。它採用全自動電平控制和偏置,頻率響應範圍極其寬廣,非常適合廣泛類型的音樂。音色清晰悅耳,具有德式風格。它可以比擬為Haut Brion酒莊出產的葡萄酒 - 一種風味濃郁、色澤出色、餘韻悠長、味道宜人的卓越佳釀。 

至於Tanberg 3014,我暫且還無緣擁有,但很多人都說它是最出色的。我必須親自去聆聽,才能下定論。 

什麼是最好的葡萄酒?DLC無疑,但由於價格極高,我還未有嘗試的機會。這與限量100台的金色Nakamichi 1000ZXL差不多同一個檔次。它的價格與1988年的Domaine de La Romanee-Conti酒莊出產的葡萄酒相當 - 20,999美元,這無疑是我的夢幻之作...據說它與1000ZXL一樣,採用了特選零件包括磁頭! 


Tuesday, June 25, 2024






但是,當你聽過一台經過正確校準的Nakamichi dragon!00 ZXLRevox B710 MK II錄音座後,你可能會感到驚訝。






單聲道留聲機唱片利用在塑料盤片上刻印的螺旋形90°V形凹槽。當唱片以每分鐘33 1/3轉的速度旋轉時,一個微小的唱针同時沿著凹槽移動,並與盤片表面平行、與凹槽垂直地來回振動,描繪出聲波。唱针的上端連接著一個微小的磁鐵,該磁鐵在小型線圈中來回移動,誘導產生電壓,從而重新創建錄制的聲波。唱针的振動速率決定了聲音的頻率,而振動的振幅決定了聲音的響度。






















 HK Snob



Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Cassette Vs CD

 The question of whether a cassette deck musical performance is better than a CD is subjective and depends on personal preferences and the specific context. Both cassette decks and CDs have their own unique characteristics and qualities.

Cassettes were popular in the past due to their portability and ease of use. They have a warm and somewhat nostalgic sound that some people find appealing. However, cassettes are prone to degradation over time, 30 to 40 years and their sound quality is generally considered lower compared to CDs. Cassettes can suffer from hiss, wow and flutter, and frequency response limitations.


However, Cassette sound is more analogue than CD, is more live and dynamic in terms of musical toen quality, especially using top class cassette decks such as Nakamichi 1000 ZXL, Dragon, Tanberg 3014 or Revox B225, B710 MK II…. If you have listed to them then you may know what I am trying to say.


On the other hand, CD format provides a higher level of audio fidelity and a more accurate reproduction of the original recording. They offer a wider dynamic range, lower noise floor, and better frequency response compared to cassette tapes. However all musical prime storage is in form or tape, the quality of the sound is analogue, after conversion into CD, it is becoming Digital which is different with cassette tape. CDs are also more durable and resistant to degradation, making them a more reliable medium for long-term storage.

In terms of convenience and accessibility, CDs are generally more convenient to use than cassettes. CDs allow for easy skipping between tracks and quick access to specific songs. They also provide a rather high level of audio quality when played on a good CD player or a high-quality audio system.

Ultimately, in my personal opinion, whether a cassette deck musical performance is better than a CD comes down to personal taste and the specific characteristics of the audio equipment being used. Some people may prefer the warm and analog sound of cassettes, while others may prioritize the higher fidelity and convenience of CDs.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Wildfire in Moscow

The Moscow Wildfire enveloped the City, the blanket of smog is an acrid, choking haze that is hazardous to our health. I am afraid there will be flights divisions a the International Airport. The pictures shows the same picture from the window on Monday and Today.

HK Snob

The Hottest Moscow in last 150 years

After so many years, I had a chance to visit Red Square and the landmark Rym Department store which is just 5 minutes on foot away from one of my customers.

The weather is very hot and in fact I had experienced the Temperature of 41 degree C in Moscow Train station!. That is the Highest in the past 150 years in Russia!!

HK Snob

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Why HK people are ranked 2nd Longest Life Expectancy in this World?

There are different sources of data to tell what country has the longest average Life expectancy. Well, the U.S. Bureau of the Census provides statistics, Okinawa has the longest average life expectancy, at 81.2 years, as of 2005. The shortest is found in Angola, at 36.6. Some other report told us that residents of Andorra, a tiny mountain nation in the Pyrenees between France and Spain, are expected to live to the ripe old age of 83.5. How about USA!? Babies born in the United States in 2005 are expected to live an average of 77.9 years, according to a 2007 study by the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics.. Actually, the United States ranks behind 41 other countries. As many of US Citizen are spoiled by the Over Sized Fast Food and their way going to work by car.

According to UN and WHO, People of Hong Kong is the 2nd longest life on earth after Okinawa, has long been endowed with high life expectancies. In 2002, there were 34.7 people 100 years or older per 100,000 residents, the highest life expectancy of any area in the world. Still, while Okinawa may feature the highest population of centenarians -- people who are 100 years of age or older – Japan is ranked second in life expectancy with an average of 82. Reason is that they are still living in rather primitives way, I watched Discovery movies on plant that Old woman of 90 years old walks up hills for harvest on the fruit and carry down the hill everyday…
Some Data 2 years ago showed with HK men expected to live an average of 79.5 years and women to 85.6 years.
The figure for women for the first time puts Hong Kong narrowly ahead of Japan, where women’s life expectancy is now 85.5 years, and Spain, where expectancy is 83.8 years.
Hong Kong is also the top place for male life expectancy, ahead of Iceland at 78.9 years, Switzerland at 78.6 years.
So far I do not know who is the country that people will live longest.
Anyway, This Is not the main point I am trying to talk about as there is different way to translate the data and also there are so many mobile citizen in Hong Kong. So I am not surprises that HK people is amongst the top 2nd Longest Life Expectancy City on Earth. WHY?
HONG KONG: It may be one of the world’s most polluted, noisy and stressful cities, but people in Hong Kong can expect to live longer than anyone else on the planet?
Beside the health consciousness of HK people., being Most of us are coming from Guang Dong , who buys the ideas of Magic of Soups… We drink more than anybody on soup than the people on the other part of the World.
The Soup take up to 98% of water and essence of Food that was made by boiling hours with ingredient of either vegetable, lean meat, or black Chicken, and many other Chinese herbs…We usually drink the soup rather than eating the ingredient. The soup cleans our stomach, intestines, and they way soup goes down our from mouth to stomach, it give you great favour and it works like a sleeping pill… It calms your mind too!
Hong Kong people drink a lot of soup, as you know we have a lot of Bow Yi Lai (who keep more than one wife or two) I had a friend who come home to drink 2nd wife soup during lunch and his first wife’s during dinner… The 2nd Wife soup is usually well prepared with better material and specially boil with heartily effort… In order to get a better impression from her Husband.
Do not forget that there are probably 300,000 men who has a mistress (Yi Lai or 2nd Wife) in China, irregular or irregular one, Registered or yet-to-registered one…hmmm!
Do not quote my number as this is purely my personal data collection by survey on friend and friend of friends…
So my conclusion is The Reason why the long life expectancy of Hong Kong People is because of the SOUP…

"What kind of Soup Today?" Is the standard Question when we ask the Waiters in the Chinese restaurant…

Let’s Cheer with Soup!!

HK Snob

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rolex, ST Dupont and Montagut, the Survival kit for HK Snob in 80's

I am afraid most of the post 50s’ will understand these three brands in Hong Kong…
Well, we can see that these are the most prominent men’s item or accessories for those snobs in the 80’s.
Rolex watch , Dupont lighter, Dupont slim ball pen and a Montagut shirt was once the most popular wearing for cheap snob in Hong Kong in the 80’s.

We call these “Life –Saving-Three-Treasures” in a Hong Kong Colloquial way. This was the survival kits when they lost money in Macau casino as they could turn their Rolex and Dupont Lighter in the pawn shop in front of the casino and they could immediately enter the casino to try the luck again.

Rolex is durable, even it was dropped, it would not likely go damages, thanks for the good Rolex double shock absorber for protection.
Dupont lighter was popular with the famous Crystal clear “Ding” when the lighter is open with click if your fingers, as in the night club or so called the Fish-Ball-Club, it was dim, no one could see you were using a gold plated Lighter, but once they could hear the Ding” well, it was the Dupont lighter. You know that those street side watch smith had to know how to tune up the Sound of the Dupont to be louder and more clearer… this is an Symbol for being a Snob!
Montagut, a French knitting wear a Polo like Tee-shit claimed to be using the latest knitting technology that it does not wrinkle, as you know at that time those snobs did not know even if they had tomorrow again. They would go for street fighting and the blood of their enermy might stain on his shirt, they could just wash it under water and hang it up wait for overnight and they could wear again next morning.

These kind of snob earned a living either from the dirty money of the prostitutes, gambling, and drugs trafficking, fighter for the black society, street fighter...

Of course I may be a bit talking over he line that there may have certain decent gentlemen dressed up with these items.. but god knows, at that period of time, people are money-minded, they look at your accessories displayed on your body to determine your income status.
 So what is the most popular Rolex for them, a boy-sized two tone, yellow gold and stainless steel version, best is embedded with some small diamond at the dial, the brownish red dial is the best seller at that time… it was about HKD$1,980 in 1976 and HKD$9,600 in 1986.

Only the head man in charge of the gangster could afford to use a Rolex Date Day yellow solid gold watch,,, well of course they do not have the culture to wear what so call Audemars Piguet or any Patek Philippe! No way…no one recognized it at all!

Dupont lighter is the standard large size gold plated one. As they never use silver as they are classified “ Cheap” it was selling about HKD$900.00 for gold plated and HKD$500 for Silver. No one could afford to use Solid gold Dupont as the Sound is not beautiful…

Dupont pen will be something like the attached picture shown, slim one, ball pen of course.
This is one of the Fashion wear of the HK Snob bewteen 1976-1986….

HK Snob